

Suddenly wake up middle of the night, no sleep. Are not necessarily clear, like a real goodbye without notice, kept saying that leaving is not really goodbye, lose sleep also makes people feel so gloomy.
Snow season, no snow, it rained. Streets so dirty, so dirty water, humans are splashed onto the body of the dirty mud. This is a barbecue restaurant, clean cloth, silver vessels filled with choice of food, wearing white shirts and dark green vests, holding barbecues and the waiters were seated knife back and forth. The table by the window, wave power to the light beer, you can see the car on the rain outside. The leaves of ginkgo trees have been unbearable load, falling rain, there street lights and lights, so bright in the rain in flashes.
All this is only a difference in the bedding with the Last Supper, has no previous happiness, only unspeakable silence. Restaurant, very few, only a birthday party for the elderly people, laughter never distant. They fell to the glass of orange juice and white wine.
She said Lin, a friend of my family name winter, his daughter called from the winter snows, nice right? En. Lin simply crashed, and then looking over in silence. Orange, and shouts his way across the mature woman. Lin does not like meat, barbecue restaurant in the city's edge, many people, when facing a large ginkgo forest, very clean, and thus the election here. Lin likes to drink, he can show that drinking a man's courage. On one occasion, she drank too much in the entertainment field, forest similar to the phone to hear her whisper the Qing Yin, said that with me, you've never been drunk.
Later orange like, with them, can not drink, she thought pieces infamous lines: I said the grandmother, do not talk to strangers. They know in the fall, now is the winter, they met only quarterly. This season was enough for Orange in the winter sleep.
Middle of the night 3:00 up shower, spray flying, not like silk as silk hair cleaning the bathroom, the small and supple, warm water washed the body, but a little heart sink, cold to the feet low. Happy that all in-depth bone marrow, we should lose, watching helplessly, but could do nothing.seo|

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Who loneliness singing

Dressed in gorgeous costumes and suits the passage of the parcel is under two lonely hearts, four eye contact with that moment, two lonely hearts understand each other in singing.
"一" when encountered on the wrong person
32 years old, all alone, I met a woman that I'll never forget, I thought that first love is the love of his life, but memories of the original will be transferred, that Jasmine woman unknowingly broke into my life the river, included in my brief history as I have a lifetime of memories.
In the company's 20th anniversary gala dinner on me and the woman named Chen Yao collided at the corner of the office, met.
August 2, 2007 the company's 20th anniversary of the establishment of a grand gala dinner will be playing the smiling faces of the people caused a blossoming peach, lively atmosphere to the climax of one by one onto the dinner. After a few glasses of wine you'll feel, look around reddened face, tired, obscure sense of loss hit the heart. So a toast to owe respect, I hastily chose to flee. In turn the corner bumping into a "cheongsam", when I discovered that they recovered themselves, "cheongsam" I have been knocked a meter outside. Look at my body and then billed under the cheongsam is an elegant package of sweet young woman. I quickly lifted up is throw in a beautiful cheongsam one meter away, he kept apologizing. I only heard her say a naughty word: laugh, stand up on the hook. I looked at her friendly smile, opening, suddenly very warm heart. I stood there innocently at her pair of greedy deep Meimou, innocently said something: Oh, nothing like. Her "ah" a cry came from me a while to stay fresh, still with eyes that smile, but behind that smile there is a strange feeling. I learned years later that "can not tell the feeling" is a kind of lonely.
Encounter is the story of the end of this, I did not expect a week after the event that I leave a heavy scent of the cheongsam beauty. A little stunned, surprise, she actually became my assistant. When the personnel manager with the side of the edge of the cheongsam beauty appeared in my office, I almost screamed out, trained out of the workplace quiet and calm so I quickly put down the heated emotions. Begin with the personnel manager: "Forest Management, the general recommendation is ginger assistant, which she details." I paused throat, occupational said the sentence: "Thank you, sit down." Personnel manager said: "I have something to be busy, look at her data, something hit my phone." personnel manager, close the door and went out. Each other as she and I were, it seems long ago to know. To break the silence, I again cleared his throat. Unconsciously, she broke the silence: "I give you Daobei Shui ... ..." "Yes, thank you." I began to divert attention, looking at her resume. Perfectly tuned to her resume, but there is one caught my eye. Resume "married" two words suddenly make the whole resume dim down, my mood plummeted. "My name is Chen Yao, who once ... ..." "You very good and tomorrow to work on the line, today this." Sudden and strange to me the words to Chen Yao's self-introduction was interrupted, and she burst stunned, a few seconds after the resumption of the sweet smile. "That's good, see you tomorrow." Chen Yao said something and walked away.
Moment I was calm the day of the collision of mind with Chen Yao, think of his beautiful and deep eyes, upset.
Yao Chen took office, her ability surprised me. With many years of observation of the workplace, I feel she is a capable person, but she is far beyond my ability to speculate, she can make sure everything is done perfect the most efficient, even more unusual is that her savvy It seems her boss need never know about. I am glad he had put the "married" costumes and beauty stayed on as assistants.
<2> to do with the good life confidant Yan Lan
Since when do not know have been used to Chen Yao's presence, do not know when to begin with a strong reliance on Chen Yao. The coexistence of beauty and wisdom cheongsam beauty, like a blooming rose, let me clear up the work and life.
In Chen Yao's help, I led the team to achieve extraordinary results, my job is way up, Chen Yao has been following me around. At that time I often ask myself: Chen Yao such as how good a woman willing to do only one assistant. I even jokingly asked Chen Yao will be the same problem. Chen Yao smiled and said: well well, why should a strong woman, so fine.
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Department of heart in my life, the negative line of your 1000 Tears

s a romantic autumn, just autumn, the continuous landing of the two. At the moment, open square, a girl named wind, then quietly stood on the rain, yes, she was never an umbrella.
Wind is crying, and no one will see, because she shed tears in the rain, rain and tears, as the color of the liquid, could see other people, how?

Understanding of rain, it is a coincidence, then, the wind had just graduated high term boyfriend she left this world due to illness, from the newly recruited school in love with four years of emotion, they love very deeply, but, God get people, illness killed his young life, had not the heart of good wind, and thus stay in hospital for six months.
After discharge, returned home, the body is still very weak, so the wind has been resting at home, lying in bed is too tired, she on the computer to see the film, QQ has been hung on it, in this as , issued in Shibuya, when the eyes see, they closed the page and found that a verification message, she wondered, on the point of acceptance.

There immediately sent a message: "Hello, wind, my nickname is the rain, very fate Kazakhstan."
She smiled: "You This trick is very old-fashioned, nothing new."
He hehe laugh loudly: "the wind is your real name it?"
"Ah, you said that, with your friends."
"Wind, good to hear the name, I like the wind, especially in autumn."
Her heart suddenly an action: "Really? I also like watching the leaves falling in autumn in, a tragically beautiful."
"Ah, I was feeling it."
He sent me a handshake of expression, said: "I like the blue sky, because that is the bird's heart that is yearning to fly the colors."First saw you, you will be fascinated. Vortex of your sweet smile, smiled and talked, his eyes like a cute little crescent curved, simple, happy, sunny, hazy I Sentimental feelings suddenly wide open.
Intentionally or unintentionally, close to you like, like quietly about your line of action was, smiles. You disappear a day or two almost every week, then come back will Hupenghuanyou to please share your big package wrapped in the colors of small snacks. Each time you will not drop me, "Qiu Xiao, Xiao Qiu." Loudly called to you my name, How sweet the sound, such as honey, Yin through my heart. Once I finally could not help saying: "so big, so your parents or pets you actually like to go back each time, are a large number of snacks you buy." You look at me, did not speak, next to a Readily of the one hand, munching popcorn while girls disdain and said: "You know what, this is people buy a boyfriend, someone's boyfriend, who can know it hurts." "Do you have a boyfriend?" I'm surprised look with you promptly. Your face was red, he hears is silence. "Ge collapse" sound, Spiritual confused, I do not care to be watermelon garden pebbles Ge to the gums, a sudden mouthful of salty fishy, excuse my mouth hastily left the busy location.
To finally meet your boyfriend is a Saturday in the evening.
Memory, then a period of time you seem to have eliminated the usual vacation, go to work every morning because you will see a brilliant smile.
After dinner that day, me standing in the company door, watching the stream of vehicles on the road a daze. A man carrying a huge bag came to what I have learned to your accommodation. There are 30 old enough to see him the way, hanging a swarthy face enormous brown glasses, short and thin, minimalist clothing that is your home's relative, and enthusiastic to help him raise the package, attentive to lead him to your quarters.

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